Monday, June 8, 2009

Dear DC Staffers,

Let’s clear something up: not all interns are stupid. I know there are some, but this is just how the world works, one day you’ll find out that there are bad apples in every crop. And let’s not forget that the staffer crop has its own batch bad apples. I cannot blame you for making a blog to record office place gaffes; I confess I frequent the site myself because many of the posts are quite funny. But staffers, you are being plagued by your own bad apples and their inability to spell and punctuate. You may not have gotten this piece of advice in your fancy private school so let me enlighten you now: you lose the privilege of making fun of others when you're an idiot yourself.


  1. I'm sorry, but really?

    This kind of "response" to is exactly why they hate us. Why can't we interns just learn to hush up and deal with the fact that spending three weeks in this city doesn't mean we're all that. This blog just shows the city how foolish and cocky we are.

    We're new, we're ignorant, and we've got a long way to go. Is that really so bad?

    Instead, let's read and laugh at our collective immaturity and learn a thing or two.

    Let the DC residents have their fun while we learn what not to do when we finally live here as policymakers and statesmen (at which point, we'll be their bosses).

  2. I'm with you, but a fun irony exists when you accuse staffers not being able to "spell and punctuate:" Your second sentence has a comma splice.

    I'm not trying to be 'that guy,' for the record. I laugh at both sites; they're both funny.

    -- An intern

  3. With subsequent errors in the second and third sentences.

